General Introduction to Linked list Data Structure in C

General Introduction to Linked list Data Structure in C


1 min read

First, a data structure is a way of organizing and storing data in a computer program so that it can be accessed and used efficiently. Data structures provide a means of managing large amounts of data, enabling efficient searching, sorting, insertion, and deletion of data.

can be categorized into two types: primitive data structures and non-primitive data structures.

The linked list data structure

How do maintain a list in memory?

by 2 ways

  • arrays - linked list

    the types of a linked list are three :

1- single: navigation is forward only.

2- doubly: navigation is forward and backward.

3- circular: the last element is linked to the first element

Let's talk about single-linked lists, which are made up of nodes consists two parts

  • data - the actual data.

  • link - address of next node of the list

thanks for the time to read its simple intro for a single list in C.